Our Friendly Team

Jeremy Menegay

General Manager
Cell# 330.990.3797
Email: jmenegay@friendlywc.com
Years at Friendly: 1 year

"My favorite thing about working at
Friendly's is the family atmosphere"

"My favorite thing about sales is
being able to solve problems for

Dawn Baker

Cell# 330.466.0089
Email: dbaker@friendlywc.com
Years at Friendly: 30 years

"My favorite thing about working at
Friendly's is the closeness and familiarity
I have with my coworkers"

"My favorite thing about sales is working
and building relationships with customers"

Our Friendly Sales Staff

Matthew Brown
Matthew Brown

Sales Representative
Cell# 330.749.4408
Email: mbrown@friendlywc.com
Years at Friendly: 13 years

"My favorite thing about working at Friendly's
is watching customers grow"

"My favorite thing about sales is building relationships with customers"

Dayton Shepherd

Sales Representative
Cell# 330.231.5309
Email: dshepherd@friendlywc.com



Marc Mehaffie
Marc Mehaffie

Sales Representative
Cell# 330.601.4342
Email: mmehaffie@friendlywc.com
Years at Friendly: 12 years

"My favorite thing about working at Friendly's
is the family aspect"

"My favorite thing about sales is meeting
and building relationships with customers"

Kenny Musselman
Kenny Musselman

Sales Representative
Cell# 330.317.9051
Email: kmusselman@friendlywc.com
Years at Friendly: 36 years

"My favorite thing about working at Friendly's
is getting to interact with our team everyday"

"My favorite thing about sales is being able
to interact with customers regularly"